By this
point in history we all know the main points in the story of Spider-Man. Boy likes girl, girl doesn’t really know boy,
boy gets bit by radioactive spider and develops into a wall crawling super
hero. Along the way he, spoiler alert,
loses a loved uncle, the girl gets to know what a great guy he is and he comes
face to face with an enemy almost too big for him to handle. So, since we already know all of that, lets
turn to what we all really want to know about this new film. What about this movie makes it better than
the original and was it a good idea to reboot so soon?
Let me
be clear when I say I am not against rebooting a film franchise. I feel many reboots or remakes are just as
good, if not better than the original (Hulk and Incredible Hulk I’m looking at
you). My problem when I heard about this
new Spider-Man was that the studio just didn’t seem to be making any of the
right choices. They picked Marc Webb a
director with one small indie film under his belt, to helm this huge film. From all the articles and trailers on the
film, it looked like they were focusing on some mystery with Peter’s dead
parents, that has never really played a big part in the comics. Finally, they cast a British guy as
Spider-Man, A BRITISH GUY? WHAT?? Strangely
enough in the end it actually all came together and worked out.
Peter’s love interest this time around is Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey. Being the fan of the comics I am, I was glad
to see with this reboot they brought in Peter’s original crush Gwen. Emma is such a better choice for the love
interest than Kirsten Dunst ever was and she is a better Gwen than Bryce Dallas
Howard was in Spider-Man 3. Emma has
great chemistry with Andrew and they make it enjoyable and fun to watch them
together every time they are on screen.
Gwen is Peter's intellectual equal and it is clear why he would be
attracted to her, unlike in the other films where at times Dunst’s Mary Jane
was annoying and not all that likable.
main villain this time around is the Lizard who’s human side, Dr. Curt Connors,
is played by another actor from across the pond, Rhys Ifans. It was nice to see Rhys with such a high
profile part where he could show off his excellent acting. He manages to make Dr. Connors a likable
person that you can feel for and then turn around and make the Lizard such a
scary unpredictable force.
rest of the cast is rounded out with Sally Fields and Martin Sheen as Aunt May
and Uncle Ben, who were both good in their parts and very relateable, as they
should be. Finally, there is Denis Leary
as Captain Stacey and personally, in my opinion, the best casting choice of
the whole film. Leary is great in this
part. He brings the grumpy misunderstood
funny side to the film that J. K. Simmons brought to the others as J. Jonah
Jameson. I loved every second Leary was
on screen and always looked forward to more.
Other than
those small issues this was a great film.
I look forward to seeing where they go with the next one. The bottom line is if you were hesitating
seeing this film because you thought it was an unnecessary reboot, put that
aside and come see it because it is a good film in general. If you are a fan of the original Spider-Man
trilogy or superhero movies in general you are probably going to like this
5 out of 5
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